Hazardous waste

Waste is generally considered hazardous if it (or the material or substances it contains) is harmful to humans or the environment. Examples include asbestos, solvents, pesticides, inedible oils and chemicals such as brake fluid or print toner.

Please note: Hazardous chemicals and household paints can be taken to our Harefield Civic Amenity Site.

Disposing of asbestos

Asbestos is classified as hazardous waste, but you don't have to be a specialist licensed contractor to remove asbestos cement sheets from a garage or shed.

Asbestos collection service

We offer residents a free collection service of up to 6 asbestos sheets or bags within a rolling 12-month period. Bags should weigh a maximum of 10KG each.

Additional collections can be made at a cost of £14.40 (including VAT) for each bag or sheet. 

In preparation for collection, the asbestos sheets need to be removed safely, following the guidelines below.

Book an asbestos collection

Safely removing asbestos sheets, ready for collection

Asbestos only becomes hazardous to health when the fibres become airborne and are inhaled.

Dampening down the work area before and during removal vastly reduces the risk of fibres becoming airborne. Avoid damaging the potentially-asbestos panels to help minimise the risks.

Please note: There is no legal requirement to notify your neighbour(s) when removing suspected asbestos materials from your home, but it is always advisable to let your neighbour(s) know in advance, so they may consider closing their windows or keeping clothes off the washing line during any removal works.

Equipment needed

  • Thick polythene sheeting (1000 gauge) - to double wrap each asbestos sheet
  • Gaffer/duct tape
  • Water spray - to keep the asbestos damp (but not wet) and minimise fibre release
  • Bucket and sponge
  • Protective clothing - disposable dust mask, overalls (preferably with a hood), wellington boots and gloves
  • You may also wish to wear eye protection
  • Do not use any power tools for this work

Preparing the work area

  1. Minimise the number of people present.
  2. Close all doors and windows of your property.

How to remove asbestos sheets

  1. Take care when handling the sheets, which are very fragile. 
  2. Try to avoid breaking any sheets, but don't be alarmed if they do - asbestos fibres are not easily released from the material.
  3. Unbolt or unscrew the roof sheet fixings - ensuring that this is carried out one sheet at a time - then remove and place onto the polythene sheet.
  4. Double wrap, tape and seal the asbestos sheets, ensuring only one sheet is put in each wrap.

Cleaning up afterwards

  1. Check the floor area for any signs of asbestos debris and double bag - each bag must weigh less than 10kg.
  2. Remove your overalls and gloves, and add these to a waste bag.
  3. Outside your house and with the bucket and sponge, wash your hands, face, boots etc, then clean any equipment used.
Page last updated: 10 Aug 2023