Youth Offer

Activities, programmes and support services for children and young people aged 8 to 24-years-old in Hillingdon.

For the latest news from the Hillingdon Youth Offer, follow us on Instagram (opens new window)Facebook (opens new window) or email

Find us at your local town centres, parks, bus stations, estates, and open spaces.
For 8 to 24-year-olds who may benefit from additional targeted support. Provided on a referral basis.
We offer a variety of physical and educational programmes in various locations across the borough.
For 8 to 19- year-olds and (up to 24-year-olds with mild to moderate special educational needs and disabilities).
Find opportunities across the borough provided by our community, voluntary, and faith sector partners.
Use our care and support directory to find local activities for children and young people with additional needs.