
There are lots of great volunteering opportunities in the borough, where you can help our local community, make a difference to other people's lives, improve your mental and physical wellbeing, and help protect our environment.

Residents' associations

These are groups of local people who represent the interests of their local community.

We recognise the important role these groups play in helping make Hillingdon a better place to live and want to encourage residents to feel proud of their area and join their local association.

Is there a resident group in your area?


Register your residents' association now

Once you've submitted a request to register a residents association, our Customer Engagement team will review the application and ask you for some more information including the following:

  • How many members you have?
  • How often you meet?
  • Where you meet? 

They will also ask you to provide the following documents:

  • Terms of reference
  • Constitution
  • AGM minutes 

You will also be asked to confirm what support, if any, would you like from Hillingdon Council.

Once this information has been provided, we will add you to the list of residents associations on the website, if you wish this information to be shared.

We will also send you details of relevant consultations or surveys that are taking place for your input and make you aware of any engagement opportunities.

Page last updated: 19 Feb 2025