As a service provider
Hillingdon Council recognises that different people will have different needs, and our aim is to provide services that respond to those needs.
These case studies are some examples of how we are working to identify and address inequality, disadvantage or under representation in local services:
- Better Care Fund (PDF, 70 KB)
- Borough Museum (PDF, 11 KB)
- Education psychology (PDF, 66 KB)
- Engaging with Gypsy Roma Traveller Community (PDF, 55 KB)
- Hayes Muslim Centre healthy eating programme (PDF, 177 KB)
- International Women's Day 2023 (PDF, 71 KB)
- Library services (PDF, 52 KB)
- London youth games (PDF, 54 KB)
- Queens Walk Resource Centre (PDF, 254 KB)
- SEND service (PDF, 24 KB)
- Stronger Families (PDF, 131 KB)
- Autism Partnership Board (PDF, 74 KB)
- Extra Care Supported Living activities (PDF, 38 KB)
- Holiday Activity and Food Programme (PDF, 106 KB)
- Learning Disability Partnership Board (PDF, 18 KB)
- Positive behaviour support team (PDF, 69 KB)
- SEND Advisory Service (PDF, 91 KB)
- Stronger Families support for Transgender young people (PDF, 37 KB)
- Tackling racism in early years (PDF, 276 KB)
- Universal Youth Service (PDF, 81 KB)
- Waste Services Assisted Collections (PDF, 68 KB)
- Adolescent development services (PDF, 79 KB)
- AXIS and the mobile detached team (PDF, 51 KB)
- Chapel Lane supporting tenants with disabilities (PDF, 127 KB)
- Children's centres providing support for fathers (PDF, 208 KB)
- Children's home supporting a trans young person (PDF, 81 KB)
- Children's rights and participation team elevate independent living (PDF, 82 KB)
- Children's rights and participation team understanding black history (PDF, 103 KB)
- Community safety women's health and safety event (PDF, 183 KB)
- Early years centres support for families post pandemic (PDF, 65 KB)
- Legal services (PDF, 55 KB)
- Sport and physical activity team (PDF, 88 KB)
- Children's centres antenatal and postnatal support (PDF, 282 KB)
- Children in need of help and protection service (PDF, 271 KB)
- Fostering and adoption (PDF, 175 KB)
- Facilities management (PDF, 185 KB)
- Housing - arrears collection and recovery team (PDF, 239 KB)
- Housing enforcement (PDF, 483 KB)
- Learning Disability Team (PDF, 258 KB)
- Looked after children and care leavers service (PDF, 242 KB)
- Merrimans respite care and support (PDF, 365 KB)
- Youth Justice Service (PDF, 307 KB)
- Adapting services to meet cultural needs - Goshawk Gardens (PDF, 379 KB)
- Care Leavers Conference (PDF, 388 KB)
- Charville Lane - providing services for asylum seeking children (PDF, 388 KB)
- Desi Dance (PDF, 381 KB)
- Increasing participation in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme (PDF, 389 KB)
- Independent Travel Training Programme (PDF, 381 KB)
- Shared lives scheme (PDF, 382 KB)
- Sport and physical activity sessions for young people with autism (PDF, 385 KB)
- Supporting vulnerable housing tenants (PDF, 382 KB)
- Women in the community (PDF, 381 KB)
- Promoting wellbeing for adults with learning disabilities - Goshawk Gardens (PDF, 382 KB)
- Housing provision for Care Leavers (PDF, 380 KB)
- Improving engagement at Hatton Grove residential centre (PDF, 386 KB)
- Dads Stay and Play and Baby Massage (PDF, 469 KB)
- Dementia Resource Centre (PDF, 474 KB)
- Magic Tables (PDF, 473 KB)
- Recruiting diverse foster carers (PDF, 482 KB)
- Schools placements for vulnerable children (PDF, 471 KB)
- Shared Lives Scheme (PDF, 382 KB)
- Speech and language therapy in the Youth Offending Service (PDF, 481 KB)
- Supporting children in care (PDF, 472 KB)
- TeleCareLine (PDF, 469 KB)
- Tenancy management services (PDF, 465 KB)
- An anthem for Hillingdon (PDF, 12 KB)
- AccessAble
- Get streetwise with Junior Citizens (PDF, 11 KB)
- H4All service for older people (PDF, 16 KB)
- Pride Reading Group (PDF, 18 KB)
- Project Search (PDF, 21 KB)
- Road safety for young people (PDF, 20 KB)
- Specialist Support for women experiencing abuse and sexual violence (PDF, 16 KB)
- Youth Council represent Hillingdon in Parliament (PDF, 19 KB)