Safer Hillingdon Partnership
The Safer Hillingdon Partnership is a multi-agency group that aims to keep Hillingdon a safe borough, where residents can take part in community activities without fear of becoming a victim of crime.
The partnership has a duty to consult local communities and carryout assessments of crime, disorder, anti-social behaviour and drug and alcohol misuse in Hillingdon.
The partnership is made up of:
- representatives at an executive level of the, police, local authority, fire and rescue authority, health service, probation service
- the elected Cabinet Member responsible for community safety at the council
- the Director of Public Health
- the Chairman of Hillingdon's Safer Neighbourhood Board.
The community safety partnership is responsible for implementing strategies to:
- reduce crime and disorder (including anti-social behaviour and other behaviours that impact the environment)
- reduce re-offending
- combat the misuse of drugs, alcohol, and other substances
- prevent people becoming involved in and reducing instances of serious violence.
2024 priorities
- Preventing violence against women and girls, including domestic abuse
- Combatting drugs (from a community safety perspective)
- Anti-social behaviour
- Other violent crime including ,serious violence duty and knife crime.
Serious violence strategy
The partnership adopted a serious violence strategy (PDF, 990 KB) for tackling and preventing serious violence in Hillingdon.
For the purpose of this strategy serious violence is "any violence and exploitation affecting young people under the age of 25, including domestic abuse and sexual violence. Within the context of these types of violence, it encompasses homicide, grievous bodily harm, actual bodily harm, rape, assault by penetration, sexual assault, personal robbery, threats to kill and violence against property caused during the commission of one of these offences."
Meeting structure
Meetings: The board meets every 3 months and is chaired by the council's Cabinet Member for Residents Services.