Information for SEND professionals

Useful information and advice relating to working with children and young people with SEND.

Statutory funding (EHCPs)

Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) are legal documents that describe how the special education, health or social care needs of a child or young person (aged 0 to 25-years-old) will be met.

Request an Education, Health and Care Plan assessment

All referrals relating to children and families are now managed through our Stronger Families Hub. 

To request an Education, Health and Care Plan assessment (EHCPA):

  1. complete an  EHC Needs Assessment (PDF, 298 KB)
  2. attach the completed assessment and apply for an EHCNA through our online portal.

Apply for an EHCNA 

Please note: There is no need to call the Stronger Families Hub for an update. Our SEND Service will write to you with acknowledgment of your request and provide a timeline for the decision and next steps.  

Page last updated: 27 Oct 2023