Request an Education, Health and Care Plan assessment
All referrals relating to children and families are now managed through our Stronger Families Hub.
To request an Education, Health and Care Plan assessment (EHCPA):
- complete an
EHC Needs Assessment (PDF, 298 KB)
- attach the completed assessment and apply for an EHCNA through our online portal.
Apply for an EHCNA
Please note: There is no need to call the Stronger Families Hub for an update. Our SEND Service will write to you with acknowledgment of your request and provide a timeline for the decision and next steps.
Banded funding for students with an EHCP
Guidance for mainstream schools
Hillingdon Mainstream SEND Banded Funding Guidance 2024 (PDF, 686 KB) has been developed with representatives from Hillingdon Council, all phases of schools, a Parent Carer Forum representative (through SENDIASS) and with contributions from therapy leads.
The framework has drawn from analysis of data and feedback from schools and wider partners, as well as a variety of models from other local authority areas. It references and supports the 'graduated approach' outlined in the SEND Code of Practice (2015), and the 4 areas of need referenced in this. This provides consistency with the recently-refreshed Ordinarily Available Provision (OAP) Guidance, which provides guidance on support and intervention that should be used before considering a request for an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment.