Stone age flints
We have around 170 prehistoric items in our museum collection - mostly flint tools from the Mesolithic and Neolithic periods, around 8,000-2,500 BC - along with a number of unidentified bone fragments, deer antlers and mammoth teeth.

We recently received two boxes of local bones and flints from Newham Museum Service.
They had formerly been housed in the nearby Passmore Edwards Museum, named after John Passmore Edwards, a Victorian social reformer and champion of the working classes.
Besides some early flints of the lower Palaeolithic period (500,000-70,000 BC) from Dawley, there are two puzzling horse skulls, once the property of West Drayton Historical Society - fragile but intact.

These bones are quite a mystery.
Are they from wild horses which shared the prehistoric hunting grounds with deer and mammoth, or from later domesticated animals used by our early forebears for ploughing or even pulling war chariots?
Why not arrange to see them and decide for yourself?