Repairs and maintenance

The council provides a flexible, convenient and customer-oriented repairs service that gives priority to the safety, comfort and convenience of residents.

Stock condition survey

The council has approximately 13,000 homes and is committed to providing residents with safe, homes that are fit for the future, and delivering a good service responsive to their needs.

To identify homes that will benefit from future improvement works, the council is currently conducting a boroughwide stock condition survey.  

This detailed audit of the condition of every residential property owned by the council will also identify homes where energy efficiency improvements can be made to meet the council's ambition to be a green and sustainable borough while reducing tenants' energy bills.  

Surveyors from Pellings LLP, the council's appointed consultants, will be required to complete a visual inspection of inside and outside of every council property and collect information on the age and condition of facilities, including the kitchen, bathrooms, windows and roofs. It will also look at any communal areas in blocks and the general structure of the building.  

The survey will take up to 60 minutes, and ideally the surveyors will need access to all rooms, including the loft, if accessible. They will also be required to take photographs. 

Once complete, the data collected will be used to support the planning of future programmes of improvement work. Please note: We are unable to provide you with an individual report on your property.

In most cases tenants will be notified by letter when visits are planned in their area with instructions to book a convenient appointment. To ensure the surveys can be conducted as quickly as possible, in some cases they will conduct visits before tenants have received a letter or made an appointment. The surveyors will always have ID and tenants are strongly encouraged to allow the surveys to take place.  

Tenants should continue to book repairs via the online portal.

Page last updated: 02 Jul 2024