Apply for a certificate

At Hillingdon Register Office we have records of births, deaths and marriages from 1837 and civil partnerships since 2004.

Apply for a birth, death, marriage or civil partnership certificate

You can buy a birth, death, marriage or civil partnership certificate registered in Hillingdon from the register office.

We only hold records for births, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships that occurred in Hillingdon.

If the birth, death, marriage or civil partnership happened outside of Hillingdon, you must contact the local authority where it happened to buy  certificates, or order certificates from GOV.UK.

What information you need to give us to order a certificate

  • first name and surname of people involved (if it relates to a marriage or civil partnership include both partners and any maiden name)
  • where the event took place
  • date of the event.

Charges for copy or replacement certificates

Certificates cost £12.50 and are produced within 10 working days. If you request for the certificate to be posted to you, £2 postage will be added to the fee, £2.50 for postage overseas.

You can apply for a priority certificate which costs £38.50. The priority certificate will be available for collection from Hillingdon Register office after 2pm on the next working day.

Certificates we do not provide copies of

Order a copy certificate (opens new window)

Related links

Adoption certificates can be ordered from the General Register Office. You can either:

Page last updated: 28 May 2024