Charitable/discretionary relief review

Charitable relief can be granted to registered charities carrying out charitable activities.

Charitable and discretionary rate

Charitable relief can be granted to registered charities carrying out charitable activities. The level of relief is set by the government at a mandatory 80%. The council has the discretion to decide whether non-profit making organisations should be treated as if they are registered charities. If an organisation is granted charitable relief by the council then it is entitled to 80% mandatory relief. The council also has the discretion to award an additional 20% 'top-up' relief to non-profit making organisations. Registered Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) will also qualify for 80% mandatory relief.

Complete a charitable/discretionary relief review form

Elected Members will only consider requests for additional relief's in exceptional cases, where the organisation has no recourse to other funds, balancing the additional cost against the benefits to the achievement of the councils objectives. Any approvals will be on a time limited basis.

If you are a Registered Charity or a Charity that is exempt from registration you can apply for relief.

Page last updated: 10 Dec 2021