Councillor Mary O'Connor MBE
Cllr Mary O'Connor was Mayor of Hillingdon from 2011 to 2012 and the Mayoress was Lily Meares. The Deputy Mayor was Cllr Michael Markham, the Deputy Mayoress was Rosemary Markham, and the Mayor's Escorts were Paul O'Connor and Tim McCarthy.

After an impressive career working for the NHS, rising from a general nurse at Hillingdon Hospital, to a senior nurse manager working in the A&E department of Ealing Hospital, she received an MBE for services to A&E nursing in 2000. She is also the council's governor on the board of Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
She was elected to Hillingdon Council in 2002 and was chairman of the external services scrutiny committee and the domestic violence executive and forum. She has also served on the fostering and adoption panels and corporate parenting board.
In addition, while serving as Charville's Councillor for 12 years, she helped deliver improvements to local libraries and a community centre, while securing funds for a new youth centre.
In 2013, she was awarded awarded an honorary fellowship by Brunel University, as recognition for her outstanding service to the community and support for the university.
Chairing the London Heath Commission for two and a half years, she also worked with the Mayor of London's Office to make sure that patients across the city received the same standard of care.