Councillor John Hensley
Cllr John Hensley was elected Mayor of Hillingdon from 2016 to 2017 and his wife Diane Hensley was the Mayoress. His Deputy Mayor was Councillor Carol Melvin and her husband Andrew was her Consort.

Cllr John Hensley has spent many years in the manufacturing industry and has also held lecturing positions of Senior Lecturer and Head of Department in Further Education Colleges. In addition, he has also taught at two universities, culminating as Head of Technical Training for the REME (Army) Technical College.
In May 2002, he was elected as a councillor for Ickenham and has served the residents continually since then. During his time as a councillor, he has served on various committees, namely: External Services, Audit Committee, Corporate Services, Standards Committee and Chairman of both Planning and Children's Services.
Furthermore, he has been a School Governor for one junior, and three secondary schools in the borough, while also being an academic adviser to the Engineering Department at Brunel University.
Both he and his wife share an interest in craft activities, music, reading, gardening and visiting historic buildings - both in this country and abroad.