About the Mayor of Hillingdon

Mayoral protocols

How to address the Mayor and mayoral protocol details.

For printed materials and verbal address, you should use: "The Worshipful the Mayor of Hillingdon, Cllr Colleen Sullivan".

When the Mayoress is present: "The Worshipful the Mayor Cllr Colleen Sullivan and Anne Robinson."

The Mayor is the First Citizen of the London Borough of Hillingdon. The Local Government Act 1972 says that the Mayor "shall have precedence in all places in the borough, except over The Monarch, members of the Royal Family and the Lord Lieutenant". Therefore, the Mayor is normally the most important person at your event, for example the Mayor has precedence over members of parliament and other councillors.

Unless Royalty (or representative) is present the Mayor should be placed to the immediate right of the person presiding at the function. It is customary for those present to rise when the Mayor enters and leaves.

The Mayor normally wears her chain and badge of office at functions and events held within the borough.

It is not normal for the Mayor to wear her robes at non-civic occasions, except in special cases, or when the Mayor is visiting a school and it is considered desirable for the children to see their First Citizen dressed in that way.

Unless otherwise requested, the Mayor can be expected to arrive approximately 10 minutes before the time of a luncheon or dinner, and 5 minutes before a meeting or similar function.

She should be met at the door by a responsible person and escorted to the room where the function is being held.

With their permission, photographs and videos of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor attending functions and events can be taken, but these must not be used for personal or commercial and advertising or profit-making purposes.

It is advisable that you contact the Mayor's Office and seek permission beforehand.

The Mayoral car should be able to draw up without hindrance at the entrance to the building in which the function is taking place.

Arrangements for parking the car near the entrance should be made.

If the Mayor or Deputy Mayor is required to preside at a meeting and/or make a speech, their agreement should be sought in advance.

If a speech or toast is involved, then an appropriate written speech should be provided at least 5 days before the function.

The above notes apply to the Deputy Mayor, Cllr Philip Corthorne, except that his title is "The Deputy Mayor of Hillingdon". He is referred to as "The Deputy Mayor", or in speech "Deputy Mayor".

When the Deputy Mayor is attending a function in place of the Mayor, he should be accorded the same precedence due to the Mayor, while all relevant advice in the above topics should also be granted to him.

If the Chief Executive attends a function with the Mayor, he should be placed next to the Mayor or only separated from him by the principal guest.

Page last updated: 22 May 2024