Holiday Activities and Food Programme

Our HAF programme is open to school-aged children (reception to year 11) who receive benefits-related free school meals. HAF activity sessions run during Easter, summer and winter school holidays. This programme is funded by the Department for Education.

Information for providers

Information for providers, including what activities are eligible for HAF funding, who can get involved and how to register.

Who is this programme for? 

Our HAF programme is open to school-aged from reception year 11 (inclusive) who are educated, live or under local authority care in Hillingdon and receive benefits-related free school meals (FSM).

Extended eligibility criteria 

Our providers can choose to use up to 15% of their funding towards providing free or subsidised holiday club places for other vulnerable children who are not in receipt of benefits-related free school meals. 

This includes: 

  • children assessed by the local authority as being in need, at risk or vulnerable (for example, children on a child protection plan, children in need or on an early help plan) 
  • young carers 
  • looked-after children, or previously-looked-after children
  • children living in areas of high deprivation or from low-income households who are not in receipt of free school meals 
  • children in transition phases between nursery and primary school, or primary and secondary school
  • children who are refugees or asylum seekers.

Professionals within Hillingdon may request discretionary places for vulnerable children and families that are not currently in receipt of FSM by completing the discretionary place request form

When applications are approved the child/children will be allocated a unique booking code which they must give to the provider at point of booking. For further information about discretionary places, please email

Please note: Our providers don't have to give places to the above children and young people. If they do, they can choose to charge for these places, at a very subsidised rate. 

What activities are eligible for funding and who can get involved? 

There are lots of different activities that are eligible for funding, including the following examples:

  • a selection of sports (rugby, football, netball, cycling) 
  • forest school/outdoor activities, such as den building, cooking on an open fire, orienteering and outward-bound activities 
  • arts and crafts 
  • music, drama and dance 
  • cooking classes and activities 
  • STEM activities.

A range of providers can sign up to deliver these activities. The following are some examples of the types of providers that can get involved with our HAF programme: 

  • schools 
  • colleges 
  • nurseries 
  • private providers 
  • charities 
  • youth clubs 
  • community groups.

We would like programmes to provide a wide range of opportunities for eligible children and young people. Applications must provide programmes for at least 1 of the following groups:

  • LOT 1: Primary age group - those in reception to year 6 (aged 4/5 to 11/12 years) 
  • LOT 2: Secondary age group - those in year 6 to year 11 (aged 11/12 to 16 years) 
  • LOT 3: Young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) up to age 18 years 
  • LOT 4: Parents/guardians - support, information, advice and signposting around food and nutrition, programmes that engage parents with their children, such as cookery classes 
  • LOT 5: Vulnerable children and families who are not in receipt of benefits-related free school meals but would benefit from the HAF programme: This may include children assessed by the local authority as being in need, at risk or vulnerable, young carers, looked-after children or previously looked after children, children with an EHC (education, health and care) plan. 

Please note: Providers are permitted to apply for multiple LOTs.

How to register your interest 

Separate applications for HAF funding need to be made for each holiday - Easter, summer and winter.

The deadlines for HAF applications are: 

  • Winter 2024/25: Friday 11 October.

To request the Hillingdon HAF Programme 2024/25 grant application form and supporting information pack, please email

Page last updated: 13 May 2024