Recycling collections

Our council is committed to recycling as much of our borough's waste as possible and we provide free recycling collections for residents. We encourage everyone to recycle more of the right things and help make Hillingdon a green and sustainable borough.

Garden waste recycling

Our garden waste recycling service is available for houses and maisonettes with private gardens. Currently, blocks of flats are unable to use this service.

Garden waste collection service consultation

We are proposing a change to our garden waste collection service to make it more sustainable.

Read more about the consultation and have your say

About our service

In Hillingdon, the amount of household garden waste our council collects halves during the winter, so during December, January and February, garden waste is collected fortnightly.

During the rest of the year (March to November), garden waste is collected weekly.  

Throughout the year, residents can also dispose of garden waste at our waste and recycling centres

Items accepted through our garden waste service

  • Grass cuttings and hedge clippings
  • Leaves, twigs and branches
  • Dead flowers and weeds

Please note: We cannot take large amounts of soil, mud and dirt.

Garden waste sacks

If you live in a property that qualifies for this service, you will be provided with 3 free heavy-duty canvas bags. If you have a large garden, you can request up to 3 additional sacks. 

We recommend that you write your door number and postcode on your bags for easy identification.

Worn or damaged bags will be replaced free of charge and can be disposed of with your weekly rubbish collection.

Order garden waste sacks

Please note:

  • We'll deliver garden waste sacks to your doorstep.
  • If it has been more than 10 days since you ordered more garden waste sacks and you have not received them yet, you can query undelivered recycling bags.

Instructions for collection

  • Carefully cut large twigs  and branches so they measure no more than 2 inches in diameter and 2 feet long and fit in the garden waste sack.
  • Make sure the sacks are able to be lifted by our collection team.
  • Keep all of your garden sacks within your property boundary until collection day.
  • On your collection day, leave your garden waste bags near the end of your property boundary before 6am.
  • If you do not have a front garden, leave your garden sack on the pavement the night before collection (no earlier than 5.30pm).
  • A maximum of 6 bags will be taken per weekly collection.

Look up my collection day

Missed collection

If your garden waste hasn't been collected on your collection day and you have followed instructions for collection, please let us know and we will make another collection within 2 working days.

Please note: A missed collection cannot be reported until after 1.30pm on your collection day and must be within 72 hours of the collection being missed.

Report a missed garden waste collection

Page last updated: 11 Mar 2025