Equality in employment

Information on apprentices and Project Search, gender and ethnicity pay gap, pay policy and policy statement.

Ethnicity pay gap

The Government has recently consulted on views on ethnicity pay reporting.

Hillingdon has completed an ethnicity pay gap analysis, ahead of any legal requirements, as another way of demonstrating our commitment to the principle of equal pay and transparency and to inform our Workforce Strategy.

Please note: The calculations are based on self-identified ethnicity data and do not include all staff members.

2023 ethnicity pay gap data

The figures show that Hillingdon has a mean ethnicity pay gap of 3.80% which is low, especially when compared to a mean pay gap for London of 23.8% and for the South East of England at 5.9%. 

Ethnicity Pay Gap Analysis 2023 (PDF, 219 KB)

2021 ethnicity pay gap data

The figures show that Hillingdon has a mean ethnicity pay gap of 4.44% which is low, especially when compared to a mean pay gap for London of 23.8% and for the South East of England at 5.9%. 

Ethnicity Pay Gap Analysis 2021 (PDF, 359 KB)

2020 ethnicity pay gap data

The figures show that Hillingdon has a mean ethnicity pay gap of 3.54% which is low, especially when compared to a mean pay gap for London of 23% and for the UK as a whole of 5%. 

Ethnicity Pay Gap Analysis 2020 (PDF, 359 KB)

2019 ethnicity pay gap data

The figures show that Hillingdon has a mean ethnicity pay gap of 3.44% which is low, especially when compared to a mean pay gap for London of 23% and for the UK as a whole of 5%.  

Ethnicity Pay Gap Analysis 2019 (PDF, 24 KB)

2018 ethnicity pay gap data

The figures show that Hillingdon has a mean ethnicity pay gap of 1.82% which is very low, especially when compared to a mean pay gap for London of 23% and for the UK as a whole of 5%.

Although the ethnicity pay gap is very low, the council will continue to monitor the equality profile of its employees and take appropriate action where necessary.

Ethnicity Pay Gap Analysis 2018 (PDF, 22 KB)

Page last updated: 03 Jun 2024