Cranford Park project
The restoration of Cranford Park began on site last May, and the construction works are nearing completion.
The works have been funded largely by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, with contributions from National Highways, the Heritage of London Trust and Cranford Park Friends.
The stables
The stables were in very poor condition. They were damp with dry rot and woodworm and some of the key roof timbers were very rotten. The roof, windows and doors had been badly vandalised and part of the interior was smoke blackened from a fire.
They have now been repaired, the upper floors ceiled, replastered, repainted and the windows double glazed. Heating, lighting, smoke alarms and wifi have been introduced. The heating will be powered by air source heat pumps.
There is a little more work to be done at ground floor.
The café


The cellars have been repaired and cleared of rubble. Lighting has been installed, together with a heating and ventilation system. The public will be able to visit the cellars via the café entrance and view a film about Cranford Park and other interpretation displays there.
Other works

- the car park is being enlarged and landscaped
- the driveway to the café is being re-instated
- the courtyard is being improved and levelled
- public toilets are being added to the old information centre
- the driveway from the A312 is being widened
- St. Dunstan's subway entrance is being rendered, painted, relit and the flooding issue is being addresses.
We are also looking forward to the painting of a mural, inspired by members of the local community.