Could you foster?

Children come into care for different reasons, such as a family crisis, parental illness, parental misuse of drugs or alcohol, child abuse or neglect or as unaccompanied minors. We need foster carers to provide a stable home for someone else's child(ren) while their family is unable to care for them.

Who can foster?

Hillingdon is a diverse and inclusive borough, and our children and young people in care come from various backgrounds. Because of this, it's important we have foster carers from all walks of life, with different life experiences, skills and qualities to help meet their needs.

Any Of Us

Our 'Any Of Us' short film shows that any of us can foster a child or young person if we have the capacity to care.

Can I foster?

We accept applications from people from any social, ethnic, cultural or religious background; it does not matter if you are single, married, living with a partner, or in a same-sex relationship.

We extend a warm welcome to members of Hillingdon's LGBTQ+ community who might be considering fostering. As an LGBTQ+ person, your life experiences could be a real help to children who are working out their own sexual identity or who may have encountered discrimination or prejudice. 

There are some common criteria that we need you to meet to become a foster carer with Hillingdon.

Take our quick and easy quiz to see if you're the type of person we're looking for.

Check if you can apply to be a foster carer

Page last updated: 14 Jun 2024