Climate change is one of the biggest challenges we face both in our community and worldwide. Find out how we will lead our borough in taking the action needed to respond to the climate emergency.
Our vision, declaration and plan to tackle the climate emergency
We have a vision to become the greenest London borough, to protect and enhance the environment, and to provide a brighter prospect for future generations.
Our declaration
During the past 10 years, we have made significant progress to reduce carbon emissions and have now committed to be carbon neutral by 2030. This commitment was made at full council in January 2020 in the form of a climate emergency declaration.
Acting on the declaration, we drafted and agreed our strategic climate action plan.
Our strategic plan and activities for tackling the climate emergency
We held a successful public consultation, which demonstrated the high levels of concern of the community, and our council adopted the strategic climate action plan in July 2021.
Our plan sets out how we will respond to the global issue of climate change at our local level, states our commitments, and covers a wide range of climate-related activities. Our primary aim is to lead the community by example.
Theme 4: We have committed to purchasing all electrical energy from certified renewable sources. This means 100% of our electrical energy comes from sources, such as wind, solar and hydroelectric power.
We have committed to:
lead and inspire our residents, businesses and schools to reduce their own carbon emissions
become carbon-neutral by 2030
achieve 100% clean electricity across our council's services by 2030
raise awareness and develop the potential of young people to respond to the challenge of the climate emergency
enhance opportunities for biodiversity across the borough and particularly in urban areas
remain open to the opportunity to go further, to be innovative and creative to exceed the stated goals, wherever possible.
Theme 8: Electric vehicles will be a major benefit in tackling emissions that impact both local air quality and climate change.
Since adopting the plan in July, we have started to incorporate the objectives into the plans and operations of our council services.
We are currently developing a further 16 action plans to deliver specific climate emergency activities, such as flooding and transport. Each plan will explain, in detail, how we intend to lead the community to reduce carbon emissions, promote positive social outcomes for our residents, and grow our local economy.