Our business waste and recycling service

Our trusted and efficient service manages the disposal of general waste and recycling for all types of large and small businesses operating in Hillingdon.

Interested in our business waste and recycling service?

If you're interested in using our waste and recycling service for your business, there are 3 things you can do...

1. Get an estimated price

Use our simple online calculator to get an estimated price for your business' waste and/or recycling needs.

If you're happy to be contacted about your estimation, we will call you to discuss your quote and the service we can offer you.

Get an estimated price

2. Use our commercial recycling sack service

If you're not signed up to our service, but want your business to recycle, you can use our commercial recycling sack service.

A roll of 52 sacks costs £62.40 and this includes the cost of collections, which are made weekly.

Simply place your order, start recycling, then put your bags out for recycling on your collection day.

Buy commercial recycling sacks (for kerbside recycling only)

Once you've placed your order, a member of our team will call or email you to provide details of your collections.

Please note: You can order more commercial recycling bags at any time, using the same online form.

3. Book a one-off collection

From events to furniture clearances, we offer one-off waste collections for businesses.

Call us on 01895 250815 to find out if we can help your business with one-off collections and to receive a free no-obligation quote.

Page last updated: 22 May 2024