Your online council tax account

Our online facility allows you to view your account details, including any reductions or benefit entitlements, print off your bill, and change your contact and bank details.

Pay your council tax

Information on how to pay your bill.

If you have recently moved to the borough of Hillingdon and need to register for council tax, please complete our tell us you have moved

Council tax is usually paid in 10 instalments from April to January, however under new rules you can apply to pay in 12 instalments.

If you wish to do so your request must be received in writing by 1 April. Where requests are received after 1 April, council tax will be payable in the number of months remaining up to and including March.

Check the cost of council tax

Direct debit

This is the easiest payment method. You can choose to pay on the 1, 10, 18 or 25 of the month. Paying by direct debit saves you the worry of remembering to pay each month, writing cheque's, postal costs or queuing to pay.

In addition, you have the added bonus of the direct debit guarantee, which means an immediate refund will be paid to you in the unlikely event of an error occurring.

Set up new or amend existing direct debit (opens new window)

Direct debit guarantee

This guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept instructions to pay direct debits. If there are any changes to the amount, date, or frequency of your direct debit, the Council will notify you 10 working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request the council to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request. If an error is made in the payment of your direct debit by the council or your bank or building society, you are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society. If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when the council asks you to. You can cancel a direct debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society. Written confirmation may be required. Please also notify us.

Pay online

Have your card details and your council tax reference number to hand.

Pay council tax online (opens new window)

Other ways to pay

You can make repayments via the council's 24 hour payment line by calling 01895 556699.

When calling, have your card and reference number to hand.

​If your bank offers internet banking or telephone banking service with your account, you may use these to pay your council tax.

Contact your bank and provide them with the following details:

  • Bank account number: 72430133
  • Sort code: 60-22-10 (Natwest Bank)
  • Payment reference: Council tax account reference

Cheques or money orders should be made payable to the London Borough of Hillingdon and sent to:

The Council Tax Office
Civic Centre
High Street

Ensure you write your council tax reference number, your name and address on the reverse of your cheque clearly.

Page last updated: 24 Feb 2025