Social care, eligibility and assessments

Safeguarding adults

The government is determined that adults with heightened risk of harm should be given the greatest protection possible from harm. Safeguarding means protecting an adult's right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect.

This information has been put together by Hillingdon Council, health services and the police. These organisations are represented on the Hillingdon Safeguarding Adults Board, whose role is to put in place legislation and to offer guidance on how adult abuse can be prevented and stopped.

If you're a member of the public, or a care or health professional, and have concerns about possible adult abuse or safeguarding issues, report it as soon as possible using our online form, providing all known relevant information.

Report an adult safeguarding concern

Please note: This form should not be used to refer general concerns about an individual's health and wellbeing, including concerns relating to self-neglect.

If you think a serious crime has taken place or there is a need for immediate police response to protect the adult at risk, call 999. 

Who might be an adult at risk of harm?

An adult at risk of harm is someone who is not able to care for or protect themselves from harm and exploitation. It might be because of their age, mental or physical incapacity, sensory loss, or physical or learning disabilities.

It might be someone who is usually able to manage but is unable to do so because of an accident or illness. 

Some may find it hard to get the help and support they need to stop the abuse.

An adult at risk of harm may also neglect themselves or deliberately harm themselves.

Abuse and neglect may:

  • be an act which goes against your human rights
  • be a single act or repeated acts
  • happen in any relationship
  • result in harm
  • take advantage of someone's vulnerability

Find out more about abuse and neglect of vulnerable adults

Report it

If you are concerned that an adult at risk of harm, living in Hillingdon, is being abused, report it.

We will take basic details so it is helpful to have the facts to hand. Based on what you tell us we will

  • clarify the circumstances of the alleged abuse or neglect,
  • take any immediate steps to protect the adult at risk,
  • if needed decide what should happen next involve other agencies where necessary, for example the police or health services

If you think a serious crime has taken place or there is a need for an immediate police response to protect the adult at risk, dial 999.

Hillingdon Safeguarding Adults Board

Hillingdon Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) is a multi-agency partnership comprising statutory, independent and charitable organisations. The board's objective is to protect and promote individual human rights, independence and improve wellbeing, so that adults at risk stay safe and are protected at all times from abuse, neglect, discrimination, or poor treatment.

The role of the board is to:

  • lead the strategic development of safeguarding adults work in Hillingdon
  • agree resources for the delivery of the safeguarding strategic plan
  • monitor and ensure the effectiveness of the sub-groups in delivering their work programmes and partner agencies in discharging their safeguarding responsibilities
  • ensure that arrangements across partnership agencies in Hillingdon are effective in providing a net of safety for vulnerable adults
  • act as champions for safeguarding issues across their own organisations, partners and the wider community, including effective arrangements within their own organisations
  • ensure best practice is consistently employed to improve outcomes for vulnerable adults

For more information, visit the Hillingdon Safeguarding Adults Board website.

Page last updated: 20 Dec 2024