This is Me - Emma
![This is Me - Book - Emma](/image/4529/This-is-Me---Book---Emma/gi-responsive__100.png?m=1610966941420)
![This is Me - Oyster - Emma](/image/4531/This-is-Me---Oyster---Emma/gi-responsive__100.png?m=1610967109193)
![This is Me - Cats - Emma](/image/4528/This-is-Me---Cats---Emma/gi-responsive__100.png?m=1610967069197)
![This is Me - Ruler - Emma](/image/4532/This-is-Me---Ruler---Emma/gi-responsive__100.png?m=1610967161653)
![This is Me - Penguins - Emma](/image/4530/This-is-Me---Penguins---Emma/gi-responsive__100.png?m=1610967130630)
- At one point in my life, 'Bird by Bird' went everywhere with me and got thrown in a few suitcases. It is shamefully highlighted, youthful mistakes were made. It was the first book that really spoke to me about the writing process. It's a funny and heartfelt book; it helped me develop as a writer and feel understood in a way I hadn't felt before.
- The Oyster card and Kingston University library card are from when I moved to the London area from Nottinghamshire to go to university. It's 10 years ago when I made the decision to move and it's one of the best choices I've made.
- The porcelain cat figurines were given to me by a family friend, who taught me for my dyslexia/dyspraxia. She was the first adult to see my potential and didn't write me off. It makes me see how far I've come in my life - also it's cats. I love those.
- The ruler is about my love of literature. It was given to me by one of my best friends, who added Margaret Atwood's name to it. She, like a few of my friends, has endured many Margaret Atwood conversations. Did you know I wrote my dissertation on Margaret Atwood? Yes, then you've clearly met me.
- The penguins are about an inside joke with friends - don't ask. We entered a writing challenge that barred use of penguins. It represents the closeness and humour, which I share with friends. Also a board game rivalry that's literally spun at least 1 decade.