A village at work
From 1851, census returns also listed each householder's occupation, including scholar, gentleman, rank in the armed forces, or 'living on their own means'. Using this information, an accurate picture of a community at work on a specific date can be built up.
Nearly 990 people are listed as working in Harefield in 1911. Many were still employed in farming or dairy work; others in domestic service. Some men worked as gardeners or on local landed estates; others were listed as unskilled labourers.
There were 23 boatmen, a fair number of builders and decorators, shop owners, teachers and policemen, and the first few automobile workers. The census lists a singer, an India rubber expert, a watercress cutter and 2 fairground swing boat proprietors.
By far, the largest employer though was the Bells Asbestos Factory, whose premises adjoined the canal.
The main occupations in Harefield