Squadron Leader Lewis Benjamin Roger Way

- Joined the University of London Air Squadron on 30 June 1939 and went into the RAF with a direct entry commission on 15 January 1940. He completed his training and arrived at Aston Down as part of the 5 OTU Squadron.
- He crashed on the Aston Down aerodrome on 21 January but was unhurt.
- On 17 August 1940, Way joined 5 OTU at Aston Down.
- He was moved to No. 1 Squadron at Northolt on 31 August 1940.
- He then joined No. 229 Squadron at Northolt on 28 September 1940.
- Early 1943, he joined No. 157 Squadron as Flight Commander.
- In the Battle of Britain, he converted to flying Hurricanes and was moved to No. 1 Squadron on 31 August. They were based at Northolt, making his first flight on 2 September.
- Way joined No. 229 Squadron (also based at Northolt) on 28 September. On 30 September, he baled out of his Hurricane and was probably injured as he flew no sorties between 1 October and 30 November 1940.
- His subsequent service is currently undocumented until early 1943 when Way was a Flight Commander with No. 157 Squadron at Castle Camps, flying Mosquitos.
- He had some success damaging locomotives on Ranger sorties over France.
- Way was released from the RAF in 1946 as a Squadron Leader.
- He died on 13 September 1972.
Photos: Battle of Britain Monument website (bbm.org.uk)
If you have any images of Squadron Leader Way, please email us at archives@hillingdon.gov.uk