Tell us how you access and use pharmacy services in Hillingdon

We want to hear how you access and use community pharmacy (or local chemists) services in Hillingdon. The questionnaire closes on Wednesday 30 April.

Everybody's views are important to ensure the pharmacy services in Hillingdon meets your needs and your views will help us to develop future services.

We would be grateful if you would answer some questions about your own experience and views. It takes approximately 5 minutes to complete.

The information you provide in the questionnaire is confidential.  Your responses and comments will be published in the PNA on the council website, but your personal information will not. 

All responses and respondent details are anonymous. Any information provided will be kept in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The information will be held securely and used for the purpose of planning appropriate services for all communities. It will not be passed on to any third party. For more detail on the privacy notice please visit

Share your views and experiences

If an interpreter is needed, please see our  Translation guide (PDF, 166 KB).

The closing date for this questionnaire is Wednesday 30 April 2025.

Page last updated: 20 Mar 2025