Have your say on priorities for reducing crime and disorder

Monday 17 February 2025: Hillingdon Council is encouraging residents to share their experiences and concerns about crime, disorder, and anti-social behaviour in the borough to help identify future priorities to tackle these issues.

police and community safety team in Uxbridge town centre
The survey, led by the Safer Hillingdon Partnership which includes the council, Metropolitan Police, London Fire Brigade, Probation Service, and North West London Integrated Care Board, is divided into two parts. 

The first, allows residents to provide feedback about which crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour issues they would like prioritised and share information about whether they have been the victim of crime and have reported it. 

The second, is an opportunity for residents to provide more in-depth information about the impact of crime, anti-social behaviour, drug and alcohol issues where they live and work, their experience of reporting crimes and how safe they feel in Hillingdon.    

Residents have until Sunday 30 March to respond, and the findings will help set the priorities for the Safer Hillingdon Partnership in 2025 to 2026 and guide the development of a comprehensive plan to further address crime and disorder. 

Cllr Eddie Lavery, Hillingdon Council's Cabinet Member for Community and Environment, said: "We want all of our residents to feel safe and live in resilient, strong and respectful communities.  

"Your responses to this survey will help the Safer Hillingdon Partnership gain a better understanding of the areas to focus on and prioritise to further prevent and tackle crime and disorder."  

To take part, visit www.hillingdon.gov.uk/crime-and-disorder-survey.

Page last updated: 17 Feb 2025