Hillingdon Council's budget proposals announced
Friday 13 December 2024: Budget proposals for 2025/26 were outlined by Hillingdon Council's Cabinet last night (Thursday 12 December), which focus on delivering value for money and sustainability while keeping council tax amongst the lowest in outer London.

Key efficiency objectives include:
delivering value for money services
maintaining low council tax and fees and charges
reviewing how the council operates and enhancing operational efficiency
investing in new facilities and affordable housing
stimulating economic growth and building financial reserves
lobbying for more adequate government funding.
The proposed budget includes a 4.99 per cent increase in council tax and social care precept, equating to £1.33 per week for a band D property.
Fees and charges will rise by 5 per cent, with some targeted uplifts. This includes parking, which aims to bring charges closer to those of neighbouring boroughs while maintaining a substantial parking discount for residents through their HillingdonFirst card.
The council's capital programme will see investment of £342 million in services and facilities, and £745 million in extra housing stock and stock improvements from 2025/26 to 2028/29.
Investment in services will also continue, including free weekly waste collections, new leisure facilities, town centre improvements, road resurfacing, new homes, and school places.
Cllr Martin Goddard, Hillingdon Council's Cabinet Member for Finance and Transformation, said: "We are prioritising the delivery of our savings programme to cut costs and identify efficiencies and ensure that residents don't pay as much as residents in other boroughs, but it is becoming more and more challenging.
"There is little doubt that the system of funding for local government has failed, and we urge the government to deliver meaningful change in government funding for councils to stabilise the situation nationally."
Residents and local businesses can provide feedback on the proposed budget at www.hillingdon.gov.uk/budget-consultation before Sunday 26 January.