What's new in SEND?
Here's the latest news and developments in Hillingdon's SEND services, facilities and programmes.
- October 2024: New facility supporting children with autism opens - a new learning space for children with autism spectrum condition, the first of its kind for primary school aged pupils in the borough.
- September 2024: New school videos created, talking about the different needs special schools cater for, the dedicated staff who work there, and the parents and children who benefit from the support they receive.
- September 2024: New SEND post-16 brochure published, made for young people with SEND, by young people with SEND, providing information on the options available after the age of 16.
- August 2024: Launch of our SEND youth forum for 14 to 26-year-olds with lived experience of SEND, who want to help shape the future of the council.
- July 2024: SEND education places created by council's sale of Barra Hall , which will support more than 70 pupils with SEND.
- June 2024: Council builds first assessment centre for three to five-year-olds with special educational needs - part of our council's commitment to ensure young people in the borough can live healthy lives and have access to the best possible educational opportunities.
- April 2024: Launch of our SEND Co-production Charter, produced with young people, parents and professionals and puts children and families at the heart of everything we do.
- December 2024: SEND and alternative provision strategy published, outlining our vision for improving the outcomes for children, young people and young adults with disabilities and those with special educational needs.