Flash flooding: What we're doing and where to get help

Monday 23 September, 2024: Hillingdon Council is working closely with partners to respond to the flash flooding that happened in the borough overnight and this morning.

Flash flooding under railway bridge
The council's teams are currently out across the borough, inspecting highways, houses, council properties, schools, parks, and waterways to see what has been affected and offering support where needed. The teams are currently prioritising and inspecting those areas where properties have been affected.

If you need help with a flood-related issue, please use our information pages online for advice www.hillingdon.gov.uk/flooding. For non-urgent issues, email flooding@hillingdon.gov.uk. If someone is in immediate danger, please call 999.

Three schools in the borough are currently closed due to the floods: Bourne Primary School in South Ruislip, Queensmead Secondary School, Ruislip and Ruislip High School. For further information, visit the schools' individual websites.

Despite today's flooding our crews have worked hard to complete all general waste collections. Some outstanding collections; garden waste in some areas of Eastcote and Northwood, dry mixed recycling in parts of Eastcote and food waste in parts of Northwood, will be collected tomorrow. 

The council's flood alleviation measures in parks across the borough have been working well to accumulate water and minimise risk of flooding to nearby homes. 

Roadside drainage gullies in Hillingdon flow into pits which store water so it drains away slowly. When these pits are full, it can cause some surface water flooding but this usually recedes slowly over time.


Page last updated: 15 Jan 2025