About being in care

Being a care leaver means you've had experiences that many haven't - and it shapes the unique support you receive.

Who are care leavers? 

Here's a look at who falls into the care leaver category: 

  • 16 to 17-years-old and in care - you're currently under care
  • 16 to 17-years-old and out of care - you were in care but aren't any longer
  • 18 to 25-years-old and previously in care - you were in care as a teenager and now you're navigating early adulthood
  • 16 to 25-years-old short-term care - you were in care for more than 13 weeks after your 14th birthday.

Your personal advisor 

Your personal advisor (PA) is like your co-pilot, ready to help you on your journey to independence.

Here's how they help across different ages: 

  • 16 to 17-year-olds - whether you're still in care or not, you'll get an advisor to help plan your move towards living independently
  • 18 to 20 year-olds - as you embrace adulthood, your PA becomes your main support contact, with meet-ups every 6 weeks to ensure you're on track and feeling supported
  • 21 to 24-year-olds - the journey doesn't end here. Though more self-directed, you're still entitled to advice and support, which you can access through our duty team.

You even get to choose your personal advisor, ensuring a match that feels right for you. 

Support for everyone, regardless of origin 

For those without British Citizenship or those who are seeking asylum, we've got specific support ensuring your rights to care, education and health are untouched by immigration statuses.

We're here to guide you through the legalities and support your wellbeing, no matter what. 

Pathway plans 

From 16 onwards, your journey is plotted in a Pathway Plan - a comprehensive map of where you are, where you want to be, and how we'll get there together.

Covering health, family connections, education and more, your pathway plan is reviewed every 6 months to stay in line with your evolving goals and needs. 

Your rights, your voice

  • Advocacy services - in place to make sure your voice is heard. If you ever feel like decisions aren't in your best interest, we can connect you with someone who'll stand by your side. An advocate is someone who speaks up for others to help them get what they need or to make sure their rights are respected.
  • Coram Voice - for when you need someone to help get your voice heard.

Feedback and Improvements: 

  • Got a suggestion or need to raise a concern? Your feedback drives us to do better. Reach out directly or use our complaints process to make your voice heard. 

Access to your history

Curious about your records? You have the right to see your information.

Just get in touch with your PA, and they'll guide you through the process. 

You're not alone 

Remember, this journey is all about you, but you don't have to go it alone.

Whether it's figuring out your finances, finding the right place to live, staying healthy, or just needing someone to talk to, your personal advisor and our team are here for you. 

If you have questions or need more information, just ask.

Page last updated: 01 Jul 2024