Help paying for childcare

Schemes to help parents and carers with the costs of childcare.

Other help with childcare costs

Other financial support with the costs of childcare.

  • Universal Credit childcare costs - for working families claiming Universal Credit, who aren't receiving Tax-Free Childcare (up to 85% of your childcare costs for children under 17).
  • Care to Learn - if you are aged under 20, Care to Learn can help with your childcare costs, including the cost of travel, while you are learning - whether at school, college or with a work-based training provider. Childcare must be registered and costs are paid direct to the childcare provider. Travel costs are paid direct to the learning or training provider. 
  • Learner Support -each further education college has a learner support fund to help students who are facing financial hardship. It can help with a variety of costs. including registered childcare. Apply directly to your learning provider (for example, a college) - they each have their own application process.
  • Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) - additional government funding to enhance early education for eligible children. Your child's early education provision (childminder, nursery or pre-school could receive up to £353 a year for your child to support their individual learning. Please note: If your child is eligible for EYPP, they will also be eligible for help with school uniforms. This is managed by schools. Please contact your child's school directly for more information. 
  • Disability Access Funding (DAF) - for children who are in receipt of Disability Living Allowance and access funded childcare entitlements. It is paid directly to the childcare provider to help with the children's education and support.  

Which support is best for you?

Which scheme you're better off with depends on your situation. You cannot get tax-free childcare at the same time as claiming Working Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, Universal Credit or childcare vouchers.

Use's childcare calculator to work out which type of support is best for you.

Page last updated: 13 May 2024