Where will you live?

Whether you're looking for the right balance between independence and support or seeking to maintain the comfort of your current home while you grow, we're here to ensure your transition is as smooth and positive as possible.

If you want to chat about your living options, your personal advisor is here to help.  

Staying put: Making your foster home your forever home 

'Staying put' means just that - staying in your foster home after you turn 18-years-old. It can provide a gentle transition from care to independence, surrounded by people who care about you and in an environment that feels like home.

Why choose staying put? 

  • Stability: You'll continue living in a familiar, supportive environment as you gain your independence. 
  • Continued support: Your foster family will continue to support you practically and emotionally.
  • Ease into independence: It's the perfect balance between having a safety net and learning to manage adult responsibilities at your own pace, without the pressure of immediately moving out. 

How we support you

  • Agreement and planning: We will work with you and your foster family to agree arrangements that respect everyone's needs and preferences. 
  • Financial guidance: We'll help figure out the financial side of things, ensuring arrangements are clear and fair. 
  • Ongoing support: Just because you've turned 18, it doesn't mean our support stops. Your personal advisor is still on hand to guide you. 

Staying close 

If you're feeling ready to spread your wings but still want the support and familiarity of your care experience, that's where 'staying close' can come into play. It's about giving you the freedom to live independently, without feeling like you're doing it all on your own. It's a bridge between the care you've received and the independent life ahead of you, ensuring you're supported every step of the way. 

Why choose staying close? 

  • Flexibility: It's tailored to what you need. You get the independence you want with the support you might still need. 
  • Continued support: Just because you're moving out, it doesn't mean you're moving on alone. We offer a package that includes practical help and emotional support. 
  • Accommodation resources: Finding a place that feels like home is important. Whether it's a flat close to your care placement or supported living, you've got options. 
  • Guidance on tap: From budgeting your bills to sorting out your shopping, floating support workers are available to help you handle the day-to-day with confidence. 
  • Building your independence: It's all about preparing you for adulthood. We'll work with you to develop skills, such as cooking, cleaning, and managing your money.
  • Connection: Moving out doesn't mean losing your network. Stay connected to the people who have been there for you - whether that's your former carers, friends, or support staff.

Other accommodation options

  • Social housing: At 18, you can register for local housing. If, instead, you want to look at private rentals, we can help you explore accommodation and apply for Discretionary Housing Payment (to the value of the required deposit). 
  • Back to family: Sometimes, the best move is back with family. We'll make sure it's the right step for you and can support you through a family group conference.
  • YMCA/P3 support: Safe, affordable accommodation with support to help you grow. 
  • Extra support: From setting-up-home grants (£3,000) to helping with housing benefit/Universal Credit applications and budgeting advice, we're here every step of the way. 
  • Unique circumstances: If you need more tailored support (for example, if you have learning disabilities or complex needs), we've got specific criteria to make sure you get the right help.

More help

  • Trinity Homeless Projects - provides supported accommodation for single adults.
  • YMCA - provides housing support to young people.
  • P3 Charity - provides floating support to help you maintain your home and tackle any challenges.

Moving day

We know it's a big step, so we'll be there to ensure everything goes smoothly. From setting up your utilities to offering emotional support, we're your moving day cheerleaders! 

Go to the next section: Your health matters

Page last updated: 01 Jul 2024