Sponsor a tree outside your home for a greener spring
Monday 16 October 2023: Hillingdon Council is encouraging residents to consider sponsoring a tree for their road in time for the winter planting season.

Residents have the option to club together for a tree to be planted and share the costs or use Trees for Streets' new crowd-funding feature which allows local groups to pool resources and can help raise funds to plant multiple trees. They can also sponsor a 'celebration' tree, marking a special happy occasion, to be planted in one of the borough's parks or green spaces.
Applications for this year's planting window need to be submitted before the closing date on 4 December 2023.
Helena Wright and Adrian Fenton got a cherry tree planted outside their home in Ruislip in February, this year.
Helena said: "When we moved to the area we were keen to have more trees outside our new house for shade, clean air and to have a greener view from our windows.
"I would definitely recommend Trees for Streets to other people. We really need more trees across the country help bring down the temperatures, stop flooding and pollution and address climate change. Plus, in a few years it will look great.
"We have lived in Hillingdon for a year and a half and it is great to see so many young trees being planted in the area."
Cllr Eddie Lavery, Hillingdon Council's Cabinet Member for Residents' Services, said: "We're committed to creating a green and sustainable borough and brilliant schemes like this one help residents to play their part too.
"The benefits of trees to local streets are multiple, providing shade, absorbing pollution while providing oxygen, creating homes for wildlife and greenery is also proven to have mental health benefits.
"We already have a pleasing number of sponsorships lined up for the winter planting season but don't want anybody to miss out, so please keep them coming in."
More than 135 trees were planted across the borough during the 2022/23 season, featuring a range of popular species including lime, maple, birch and cherry.
For more information about the scheme or to request for a tree to be planted visit www.hillingdon.gov.uk/sponsor-a-tree.