Exciting, new Youth Offer
Friday 15 September, 2023: Hillingdon Council's Cabinet last night (14 September) approved the delivery of an exciting, new Youth Offer reflecting the diverse, flexible needs of today's young people.

A nine-week public consultation took place in spring and early summer, and feedback from the young people, families, carers, and partner agencies endorsed the council's modern approach.
The strategy sets out how the council will move from a static, buildings-based model, to a more flexible way of delivering services local to young people and in the heart of communities, by using existing council buildings and new, state of the art family hubs. This will be delivered alongside more street-based youth work and further outreach work.
Subject to the usual scrutiny process, Hillingdon Council's new Youth Offer will create a wider programme of more modern, relevant, flexible and digital services. It will complement wider early help and prevention arrangements to support all young people. The number of services provided will increase, offering more opportunities at flexible times, to support personal, social and educational development and improve wellbeing.
A digital service directory will also be created, listing all council and community youth services in one place.
Cllr Susan O'Brien, Hillingdon Council's Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Education, said: "It was imperative that our young residents using the array of youth services available had a say in what could be delivered and how, so as to ensure the council is offering an innovative and fit for purpose model for today and the future.
"The world is evolving rapidly, and we need to evolve with the times making sure services remain relevant and match the needs of our young people and are delivered where they can access them."