Hillingdon welcomes a new Mayor
Friday 12 May 2023: At Hillingdon Council's Annual General Meeting on Thursday 11 May, Cllr Shehryar Ahmad-Wallana was elected the new Mayor of Hillingdon.

Mayoress duties will be shared by Cllr Ahmad-Wallana's wife, Amtul Woud Wallana, and their daughter, Tooba Khulat Wallana. The Mayor has also appointed Sabrina Cambiaso Tabar and Fabiana Fawaz as his Escorts. During the meeting Cllr Colleen Sullivan was appointed as Deputy Mayor.
Cllr Ahmad-Wallana said: "Being elected Mayor makes me feel such pride, it's just amazing to be the first citizen of the borough. It's a great honour and privilege, I'm grateful to everyone for this opportunity.
"I moved to this country from Pakistan in 2003, was naturalised in the Civic Centre in 2009 and now I'm Mayor. That is a great example of equal opportunities and equality.
"We have a very diverse borough and we believe that is one of the great things about Hillingdon."
Cllr Ahmad-Wallana will continue the tradition of putting residents first and doing his utmost to represent everyone who lives in the borough. He said: "Every Mayor brings new things to the role, but the fundamental thing we all share is we want to represent the borough and the community as a whole in the best way.
"So, whatever I may achieve as a Mayor will be for local people. It's not about me, it's about the people of the borough.
"Politics is not a profession to me, it's a passion. I love helping the community and I believe we have a great community."
Cllr Ahmad-Wallana's chosen charities are the Halo Children's Foundation, which supports youngsters who are dealing with the trauma of losing a parent, and the Al-Falah Institute, an educational and support centre for women, young children and refugees.
Cllr Haggar said: ""I have enjoyed such a wonderful year as Mayor of Hillingdon. It's been immensely rewarding to be part of so many historic celebrations and it meant so much to lead the borough during some of the more sombre moments.
"I have met so many residents, community groups and businesses, and been thrilled to be able to support my charities, the Daniella Logun Foundation and the Magically Marvellous Picture House, and help raise their profiles.
"The hours have been long, the events momentous but it's been the honour of a lifetime to wear the chains of office."
To invite the Mayor to attend an event that you are organising, email mayor@hillingdon.gov.uk