How do you recycle at home?

We're asking residents, local businesses and people who work or study in the borough to take part in our short online survey and tell us about their recycling habits.

We're committed to being a green and sustainable borough. So, together, let's recycle as much as possible and reduce the borough's overall waste.

Hillingdon residents separate more than 17,000 tonnes per year for recycling. Our aim is to ensure that we recycle everything we can, in the best way possible and by reducing contamination.  

We've created a short online survey to help us identify and address any barriers that might stop households from recycling.

We want to learn about how residents sort out their waste and how they decide which items to recycle and which to bin.

Please take a few minutes to fill out our survey - the results from which will help us shape future communications about recycling and, ultimately, help us reduce waste in Hillingdon.

Please note: Specific household details will not be collected as part of individual responses. 

The survey closes on Sunday 21 July.

Complete our recycling survey

Page last updated: 20 Jun 2024