Youth justice strategy 2024/29 consultation

We're committed to ensuring that every child in our community gets the support and opportunities they need to lead fulfilling lives.

As we set out our  youth justice strategy (PDF) [479KB], we're asking children, families, professionals and the wider community for their feedback.

The consultation will focus on 5 key priorities:

  1. Prevention and early intervention
  2. Over-representation and disproportionality
  3. Child-centred practice
  4. Reducing re-offending
  5.  Victims and restorative justice.

Take part in our consultation

Have your say by completing our online form by Sunday 11 August.

Have your say

If you or anyone you know would like a paper copy of this form, please contact the Customer Engagement team by phone 01895 277038 or email

If an interpreter is needed, please see our  Translation guide (PDF) [166KB].

Page last updated: 28 Jun 2024